Drive Negative Thoughts Away


Do you recall the parts in The Exorcist where the priest attempts to expel the ghost from the child who is possessed? Although it doesn't take as much work, fighting off negative thoughts can be a very difficult battle. You need to come up with a long-term plan for chasing them away and keeping them out permanently you can't just order them to leave.

#1. Acknowledge a problem you have. Self-reflection on this subject can be virtually impossible because we frequently fail to pay attention to our own words or body language. Make a two-sided chart to assist you assess your level of negativity and self-defeatist thinking. Write down all of your happy thoughts for the day on one side. Write down all your unfavorable thoughts on the opposite side. You'd be surprised at how much negativity the ordinary person harbors.

#2. Move about. Moving your body is a terrific way to alter your mood and ideas. To make that kind of difference, you don't need to run a marathon or swim across the English Channel; all you need to do is stand up, go for a stroll, do some jumping jacks, or dance. You heard right dance. Check to see whether you feel bad after turning on your favorite music and dancing around for a while.

#3. Practice being grateful. Building a positive list could be the first step towards resolving your negativity problem if making a list of your ideas was the first step to realizing it. Make a list of everything for which you are thankful. Finding it difficult to make a list? Consider your breathing, your heartbeat, your vision, and all the other necessities we take for granted. As soon as you begin to write your list down, you'll notice that it grows and fills your head with positive thoughts.

#4. Discuss it. Seek out a friend, family member, therapist, or sympathetic ear who will listen to your difficulties without passing judgement or making suggestions (unless you want it). You could also express your emotions through prayer, journaling, or creating an artwork. Once they're out there, you'll notice that you're strangely or perhaps magically free of pessimistic thoughts.

#5. Modify your language. As you did in tip #1, make a list of your go-to words and phrases. Remove pejorative words and phrases from your vocabulary, and see how your thinking shift as a result. Additionally, pay attention to the way you're standing and moving. Keep your shoulders back and grin most of all!

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