Healthy Weight Loss With the Right Diet

That's really what a healthy diet is all about

You are what you eat! This sentence impressively describes the importance of a balanced choice of food. Nutrition and health go hand in hand - without one, the other is not possible. What exactly the optimal diet looks like, however, is often disputed. This article brings clarity to the jungle of nutritional myths and weight loss trends

 That is why a healthy diet is important

Basically, your diet is healthy when the body is supplied with all the necessary nutrients, vitamins, micronutrients, trace elements, and fiber. Many of these essential substances are vital for the organism, but cannot be produced by the body itself. These include, for example, essential fatty acids and amino acids, some vitamins, and various minerals. These substances must be supplied from outside through food and make it clear how important a healthy diet is. Without a balanced combination of foods, your organism would not be able to maintain vital bodily functions. In addition, you would become powerless, weak, and more prone to disease. 


Healthy weight loss with the right diet

A healthy diet is not the same as a diet. A nutrition plan for the perfect bikini figure can provide you with a short-term remedy. In the foreground of a balanced diet, on the other hand, is the long-term, optimal supply of the body. Hunger states and a permanent omission of certain foods are excluded. However, a healthy diet will help you not to overeat. If you want to lose weight, then a consciously reduced-calorie lifestyle is essential. The golden rule is that if you eat fewer calories than you expend, you will lose weight. The market is full of creative weight loss trends. Two questions arise when it comes to weight control: 1. What is the best fat killer? 2. Is coffee healthy or harmful? The answer: In both cases, the dose is crucial. In principle, foods that stimulate metabolism can support weight loss. So rely more on chili, cinnamon, or ginger. Caffeine in moderation also helps here. However, diets often carry the risk that your body is not sufficiently supplied with all the necessary substances. We, therefore, recommend that you establish a long-term healthy lifestyle. We can recommend the following two diets with a clear conscience.

low carb

If you decide on a low-carb diet plan, you will find sources of protein and fat in addition to lots of vegetables. Your bones, joints, and muscles benefit from the high amounts of protein. Depending on which sport you do, your body can get by with fewer carbohydrates. Caution is advised when choosing your nutrient sources: If you primarily use animal foods, then the proportion of unfavorable fats is often too high. So, with a low-carb diet, consciously focus on plant-based protein sources – this will also give you more fiber and vitamins. Instead of regular rice, try the healthier cauliflower rice or millet, for example. The advantage of a carbohydrate-reduced diet is that many unhealthy foods have been eliminated from the menu. So you do without sweets, pasta parties, and all kinds of fast food. Losing weight with low carb only works if you pay attention to a negative calorie balance at the end of the day. Because even diet-compliant foods such as nuts or cheese have a large number of calories due to their high-fat content, despite their low carbohydrate content. 

intermittent fasting

Fasting basically means abstaining from food in whole or in part for a certain period. In contrast to therapeutic fasting, with interval fasting, you only have certain time windows in which you do without any calorie intake. The most classic variant is the 16 to 8 method. You have an 8-hour eating window. This allows you to achieve several effects at the same time with one trick.

  1. You have less time to eat. This also means that you will probably consume fewer calories overall than if you had a 12-hour eating window, for example.
  2. Your gastrointestinal tract has a break for 16 hours. This resting phase ensures healthy digestion and programmed cell death can be promoted, which is good for your vitality.
  3. Depending on the meal times you choose, you can avoid unnecessary sweets on the sofa. For example, if you only eat between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m., chocolate and chips on the sofa are automatically omitted. Ergo, your calorie intake is lower.

Vitamins and minerals: Occurrence and effect

In order to keep your body healthy in the long term, you should ensure you are getting enough vitamins and minerals. The more regional and fresher the food, the more ingredients it contains. The exact amount of vitamins and micronutrients your body needs every day depends on your individual nutritional needs. In any case, it should always be a colorful mix. 

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